Hello ! It is quite a detail, a trifle, but I think it is better to put a lovely picture as your USB key icon. The idea is to put a text file and an icon in your USB Flash Drive. How ? Step 1 :Put your icon-file in your USB key You may find […]
Hello ! It is quite a detail, a trifle, but I think it is better to put a lovely picture as your USB key icon. The idea is to put a text file and an icon in your USB Flash Drive. How ? Step 1 :Put your icon-file in your USB key You may find […]
12 décembre 2011
I admit I have a weakness for « nano » keys as the LaCie or EMTEC models, and thus also for this « Verbatim USB Netbook » model. Why ? Because they enable the user to be connected on a laptop so as to save data and… to keep a low profile. No, this kind of key is not efficient if we talk […]
12 décembre 2011
When you think about a « classic-shaped key », you think about LaCie. The brand is very efficient on this concept. Congratulations ! The principle is just brilliant : it enables you not to lose your USB Flash Drive (or forget it in the pocket of your trousers before to put it in the washing-machine). After the CooKey, […]
12 décembre 2011
The Corsair Flash Voyager GTR USB Flash Drive is the largest one we had to test today (we obviously do not talk about the FastKey by LaCie which is not a real USB key but a SSD key). Available capacities are quite big : 32, 64 and 128 GB. For this last one, the key is much […]
5 décembre 2011
Transcend does not focus on adventurers, security or speed supporters here, but simply on those who want a quite chic and elegant key. The body proposes a lovely grey and black checkerboard pattern. The tip is very fine, and thus more fragile, and retracts on the inside of the key with a simple move of […]
5 décembre 2011
Kingston proposes a rubber key which is thus shockproof. As far as its external look is concerned, it is envelopped in a black and orange skin, with linesworthy of the Tron movie. As for the size, it is a bit taller than average. About performances, we have to congratulate Kingston for those excellent results as […]
5 décembre 2011
This is a quite original USB Flash Drive : you cannot put it on a keyhole, there is no retractable tip, it is an extremely flat and minimalist key put in a credit-card-like case. This case contains also a mini-writing pad and a ball-point pen. This is ideal for people who are afraid to lose […]
5 décembre 2011
Do you know the original sense of the word « Steampunk » ? Its definition can be found on Wikipedia, but as a brief explanation, the Steampunk style is visible in movies (for instance The City of Lost Children) in which the set were made of metal, bolts, in a sepia universe. Or in games such as […]
5 décembre 2011
I was lucky to test this week the brand new SanDisk key, Cruzer Swift, one week after having tested the Cruzer Fit model. This is an astonishing key since its design is really not exceptionnal, it is staid, and there is no diode to shw the data transfer, no strap and a fragile-looking plastic in spite of […]
4 décembre 2011
Connaissez-vous le terme « Steampunk » ? La définition peut être trouvée sur Wikipédia, mais pour faire plus court, le style Steampunk est visible dans les films (par exemple la citée des enfants perdus) où les décors étaient fait de métal, de boulons, le tout dans un univers sépia; Dans les jeux comme par exemple BioShock. Le […]
12 décembre 2011
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